We love a good road trip.. there’s nothing like leaping in your car and setting off in search of some adventure with the sunshine beating down on you. And in our view, the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is one of the best places to do it.


The quality of the roads varies wildly. Along the North western coast of Guanacaste they’re really rather good tarmacked roads for the most part. However once you go inland on the Nicoya peninsula – where it becomes hilly, more rural and infrastructure is minimal – you’re in for a bumpy ride. But thats half the fun. On our way down to visit Flor Blanca we hit the rainy season and had some seriously challenging rivers to cross and our rental car took a battering.


Come here and you’ll find dozens of remote, pristine beaches lined with lush tropical jungle offering a perfect place to relax and kick back. Some of the coastline is mountainous so often we’d drive along the cliffs with the most staggering views – right below us would be the crashing waves. Then before long we’d stumble across a golden arc of sand and stop off for a quick dip in the water. Check out more of the photos from our road trip on Facebook here.


We’d love to hear about your favourite road trip stories..




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