Despite the recent drop in tourism to the icy continent, Antarctica is re-gaining its popularity following the 100th anniversary of Captain Scott’s expedition



For the 2013 season, the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) is predicting a 10% rise in visitors to the icy continent. The increase in interest has been attributed to BBC TV series Frozen Planet and a recent spate of exhibitions celebrating the 100th anniversary of Captain Scott’s fateful journey to the South Pole raising awareness of the destination.

This bucket-list destination has always been popular, welcoming just under 50,000 travellers in 2007-8. However, in recent years, there has been a downward trend in visitors – last year, only 25,320 people headed south.

“(It’s) all rather different to Captain Scott’s day. This is the centenary of his ill-fated expedition to the White Continent, and thanks to the events and exhibitions related to the anniversary, interest in the Antarctica is stronger than ever,” Wanderlust’s editor-in-chief Lyn Hughes said.

The Scott exhibition at London’s Natural History Museum has already attracted 50,000 people. On display at the exhibition is a rare collection of artefacts used by the team, a life-sized representation of Scott’s hut and some scientific specimens, including an emperor penguin egg collected in 1911. It is open from now until September 2012.

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